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INTOSAI – Organización Internacional de las Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores ...

… es un organismo autónomo, independiente y apolítico.

La Organización Internacional de Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores (INTOSAI) es la organización central para la fiscalización pública exterior. Es una organización no gubernamental con un estatus especial con el Consejo Económico y Social de las Naciones Unidas (ECOSOC).



Letter from the Chair of INTOSAI

April 2024

The Importance of ISSAI 140 for Quality Management in Government Audits

To guarantee the trust, credibility, and effectiveness of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), it is crucial to ensure the quality of the audits they conduct. In this particular context, the concept of quality refers to the degree of compliance of the audits and reports issued by the audit institutions with the professional standards and applicable legal regulatory requirements. This compliance…

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Term-end – Peer Support Project

Term-end Review of Office of Auditor General Somalia
Peer Support Project 2021-2025

INTOSAI Development Initiative, Oslo invites bids for the Term-end Review of Office of Auditor General Somalia Peer Support Project 2021-2025. The last date for submission is 3 May 2024.

>>> Terms of Reference


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Peer-to-Peer workstream - April 2024

The Peer-to-Peer workstream presents: a masterclass on IDI

The INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) is a body which supports capacity development of supreme audit institutions in most developing countries.

It is important for recipients of peer support to know who IDI is; what they do and how they can help you, and how they partner with providers of peer support and other development partners. It will be an interactive workshop with the opportunity to ask questions and to…

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Auditoría de la INTOSAI

Del 11 al 15 marzo de 2024 tuvo lugar en la sede de la Secretaría General de la INTOSAI en Viena la auditoria externa del los Estados Financieros de la INTOSAI correspondientes al ejercicio 2023.

Los auditores provenientes de las EFS de Jamaica y Ecuador presentaron su informe de auditoría con un certificado de auditoría ilimitado a la Secretaría General. Este informe se incluirá en los Estados Financieros. Además se lo añadira al informe anual, el cual se presentará al…

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