Regional Organizations

INTOSAI recognizes Regional Organizations as related autonomous entities, established for the purpose of promoting the professional and technical cooperation of its members on a regional basis.

The INTOSAI Governing Board has recognized the following seven Regional Organizations:

Chief objective of the African Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (AFROSAI) is to promote and develop the exchange of ideas and experience among the SAIs of the African states in the field of the audit of public finances by:

  • Implementing systematic studies concerning the audit of public finances,
  • Organizing training courses for personnel charged with carrying out auditing tasks and
  • Collaborating with INTOSAI, its regional working groups, and other organizations and institutions specialized in the audit of public finances.

AFROSAI was created in November 1976.

AFROSAI – Chair | Senegal

M Mamadou Faye
Présidente de l'AFROSAI
Cour des Comptes
BP 9097

  +221 33 8599697

  +221 33 8599040

AFROSAI – General Secretariat | Cameroon

Mme Mbah Acha Rose Fomundam
Ministre Délégué à la Présidence
de la République chargé du Contrôle Supérieur de l'Etat
Secrétaire Général de l'AFROSAI
P.O.Box 376

  +237 222220182


is a member-based institution with 26 SAIs from English-speaking African countries.

is a member-based institution with 22 SAIs from French-speaking African countries.

Objectives of the Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ARABOSAI) include

  • Encouraging exchanges of ideas, viewpoints, experiences, studies, and research among the member institutions in the field of auditing and work to promote auditing in both scientific and practical terms;
  • Working toward raising awareness within the Arab nations of the importance of auditing in order to strengthen the role of SAIs in carrying out their missions; and
  • Organizing and strengthening cooperation between ARABOSAI and the institutions and specialized organizations of the League of Arab States, INTOSAI, and other organizations—both international and regional—whose activities relate to auditing.

ARABOSAI was established in 1976.

ARABOSAI – Chair | Saudi Arabia

Dr. Hussam bin Abdulmohsen Alangari
President of the General Court of Audit
Chairman of ARABOSAI
General Court of Audit
P.O. Box 7185
University Street
11128 Riyadh
Saudi Arabia

  +966 1 14056770

ARABOSAI – General Secretariat | Tunisia

M Nejib Gtari
Premier Président de la Cour des Comptes
Secrétaire Général de l'ARABOSAI
Centre urbain Nord
Rue Ahmed-Snoussi
1003 Tunis

  +216 71 780040

  +216 71 780029

ASOSAI was established in 1979 with 11 members. The Membership of the ASOSAI consists of Charter Members, Members and Associate Members. Now, membership has grown to 46 SAIs.

The objectives of ASOSAI are:

  • To promote understanding and cooperation among member institutions through exchange of ideas and experiences in the field of Public Audit.
  • To provide facilities for training and continuing education for government auditors, with a view to improving quality and performance.
  • To serve as a center of information and as a regional link with institutions in other parts of the world in the field of Public Audit.
  • To promote closer collaboration and brotherhood among auditors in the service of the Governments of the respective member institutions and among regional groups.

The functions of ASOSAI are:

  • To encourage and to promote research and to undertake publication of research papers and professional articles in auditing and related fields.
  • To organize conferences and seminars for the exchange of ideas and experiences in the field of Public Audit.
  • To perform such other functions as may be necessary in keeping with its objectives.

ASOSAI – Chair | Thailand

Mr Monthien Charoenpol
Auditor General
Chairman of ASOSAI
State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand
Soi Areesampan
Rama VI Road
10400 Bangkok

  +66 22718000

  +66 26185769

ASOSAI – General Secretariat | China

Mr Kai Hou
Auditor General
Secretary General of ASOSAI
National Audit Office of the People's Republic of China
No. 17, Jin Zhong Du Nan Street
Fengtai District
100073 Beijing

  +86 10 50993205
  +86 10 50993209

  +86 10 50992836

Objectives of the Caribbean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (CAROSAI) include the following:

  • Promote the exchange of ideas and experience in the field of government auditing;
  • Provide opportunities for training and continuing education ;
  • Promote the importance of the internal audit function within the public sector;
  • Provide technical assistance and exchange of expertise among members;
  • Raise the level of audit consciousness in the Caribbean area in order to support the role of the institutions performing their duties; and
  • Promote the application of comprehensive auditing.

CAROSAI has established a Regional Institutional Strengthening Committee (RISC), which is charged with providing effective and sustainable training and other capacity-building activities to regional SAIs.

CAROSAI was founded in 1988.

CAROSAI – Chair | Aruba

Mrs. Xiomara Croes-Williams
Chairwoman of CAROSAI
Algemene Rekenkamer
Wilhelminastraat 6

  +297 5825448
  +297 5880885

CAROSAI – General Secretariat | Jamaica

Ms Pamela Monroe Ellis
Auditor General
Secretary General of CAROSAI
Auditor General’s Department
40 Knutsford Boulevard
P.O. Box 455
Kingston 5

  +1 876 9268309
  +1 876 9265963
  +1 876 9265846

  +1 876 9684690

Major objectives of the European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions ( EUROSAI ) include:

  • Promote professional co-operation among SAI members;
  • Encourage the exchange of information and documentation;
  • Advance the study of public sector audit;
  • Stimulate the creation of University Professorships in the subject; and
  • Work towards the harmonisation of terminology in the field of audit.

From its very beginning EUROSAI has been active in organizing a fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of public audit among all the countries of the previously divided Europe, prioritizing support for the establishment of independent public audit bodies in Central and Eastern European transition countries.

EUROSAI was established in 1990.

EUROSAI – Chair | Israel

Mr Matanyahu Englman
State Comptroller and Ombudsman
President of EUROSAI
State Comptroller's Office
P.O. Box 1081
91010 Jerusalem

  +972 2 6665101
  +972 2 6665103


EUROSAI – General Secretariat | Spain

Doña Enriqueta Chicano Jávega
Presidenta del Tribunal de Cuentas
Secretaria General de la EUROSAI
Tribunal de Cuentas
Calle Fuencarral, 81
28004 Madrid

  +34 91 4460466

  +34 91 5933894

The Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS) is an international, autonomous, independent, apolitical and permanent organization. Its objectives are as follows:

  • Conduct scientific investigation;
  • Develop study, training and specialization;
  • Provide technical advice, assistance and coordination for the SAIs of Latin America and the Caribbean.

The conceptual vision of OLACEFS focuses on promoting the participation of different SAIs in their own development and improvement.

OLACEFS has a long tradition dating back to 1963 (proposal for the establishment of a Latin American Institute of Auditing Sciences (ILACIF), which was implemented in 1965).

Under its current title OLACEFS has existed since 1990.

OLACEFS – Chair | Paraguay

Dr. Camilo Daniel Benítez Aldana
Contralor General de la República
Presidente de la OLACEFS
Contraloria General de la República
Bruselas N° 1880

  +595 21 6200000
  +595 21 6200408

OLACEFS – General Secretariat | Mexico

Lic. David Rogelio Colmenares Páramo
Auditor Superior
Secretario Ejecutivo de la OLACEFS
Auditoría Superior de la Federación de México
Carretera Picacho-Ajusco 167
Amp. Fuentes del Pedregal
CP. 14110 Tlalpan, Ciudad de México

  +52 55 55343141
  +52 55 52003629

PASAI's overall objective is to promote transparent, accountable, effective and efficient use of public sector resources in the Pacific, by supporting members SAIs to improve the quality of public sector auditing to recognised high standards.

PASAI's Strategic Plan 2014–2024 has five Strategic Priorities:

  1. Strengthening SAI Independence
  2. Advocacy to strengthen governance, transparency and accountability
  3. High quality audits completed by Pacific SAIs on a timely basis
  4. Enhancing SAI capacity and capability
  5. PASAI Secretariat capable of supporting Pacific SAIs

First working contacts between the SAIs in the Pacific region date back to 1973. PASAI was formally accepted as a Regional Organization of INTOSAI in 1987.

PASAI – Chair | Cook Islands

Mr Desmond Wildin
Director of Audit
Chairman of PASAI
Cook Islands Audit Office
P.O. Box 659
Cook Islands

  +682 21231

  +682 21231

PASAI – General Secretariat | New Zealand

Mr John Ryan
Controller and Auditor-General
Secretary General of PASAI
PASAI General Secretariat
Suite 2, Level 1 Heards Building
168 Parnell Road
Auckland 1052
New Zealand

  +64 9 3041275

  +64 9 3079324