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Troisième webinaire du groupe d'experts COVID-19 du SCEI


organisateur: Groupe d'experts du SCEI

lieu: réunion virtuelle


The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation is pleased to invite you to participate in the third webcast of SCEI Expert Group on the Strategic role of SAIs in addressing the challenges posed by COVID-19 pandemic.

The discussion will focus on "Openness of SAIs and Ensuring Inclusiveness in Emergency Conditions".

Speakers from SAIs of Brazil, USA, Russia and IDI will share their experience and vision on SAI’s transparency in relation to the COVID-19 activities, demonstration of SAI’s value and benefits while dealing with the recent crisis, ensuring openness of national governments, ways of communication with public and stakeholders’ engagement in emergency situation, how SAIs can contribute to emergency response based on “leaving no one behind” principles and many more.

The webcast will be held on September 17, 2020, at 12:00 p.m. UTC via the Blackboard Collaborate platform.

All of you are welcomed to participate, however, due to limited connections, please register up to 5 participants from your SAI no later than September 16, 2020.

To register please click here.

Detailed Agenda will follow after registration.

Feel free to contact SCEI Secretariat in case of any questions