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organisateur: WGSDG KSDI

lieu: virtual meeting

The WG SDG KSDI Secretariat has received a communication from two WG observers – GIZ and AFROSAI-E – with an offer to organize a joint webinar on the PFM Reporting Framework, a diagnostic assessment tool which allows SAIs to audit the entire PFM system and verify its readiness to enable the implementation of the SDGs. Up until now, the tool was piloted in 15 countries in Africa, Latin America and Europe. Several countries now plan their second rollout.

We believe that a discussion on the tool involving all WG members would add a significant value to the agenda of the WG as well as future rollouts by AFROSAI-E and GIZ.

In this light we are happy to invite all of you to join the WGSDG KSDI – GIZ – AFROSAI-E webinar which will be taking place on

  • October 30 (15.30 – 17.00 Moscow time) via Microsoft Teams App

Agenda of the webinar and link for connection will be provided shortly.

The WG Secretariat would also like to use the forthcoming webinar as an opportunity to briefly speak on the development of the Guidelines on audit of the reliability of macroeconomic forecasts, the project which is planned for implementation in 2021.

WGSDG KSDI Secretariat Team