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INTOSAI's contribution to the United Nations "SDG 16 Conference" in Rome

High-level representatives of governments, international organizations, academics and civil society as well as development experts from around the world convened in Rome, Italy, from 27 to 29 May 2019 to discuss global progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 of the 2030 Agenda.

The aim of the “SDG 16 Conference in preparation of the UN HLPF 2019” was to take stock of global progress towards achieving SDG 16 by sharing knowledge and good practices, identifying main challenges and by suggesting ways forward in terms of policies, partnerships and coordinated actions.

The General Secretariat of INTOSAI was represented by Silke Steiner, who presented INTOSAI’s approaches and tools to foster the achievement of the SDGs in general and of SDG 16 in particular. Furthermore, the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development of Canada, Julie Gelfand, presented SAIs’ and INTOSAI’s contribution to building effective institutions for implementing the SDGs at all levels.

The results of the conference will contribute to the official review of SDG 16 at the UN High-Level Political Forum, which will take place in New York in July 2019.


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