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III EUROSAI-ASOSAI Joint Conference 2019 in Israel

The SAI Israel organized from 11 to 14 March 2019 in Jerusalem, Israel the III EUROSAI–ASOSAI Conference on "Emerging Issues und Emerging Situations". 44 SAIs from Europe and Asia and the INTOSAI General Secretariat participated in this meeting. All together 21 Heads of SAIS and more then 130 delegates attended this third common EUROSAI-ASOSAI event. In addition, this international meeting was availed of to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the Office of the State Comptroller and Ombudsman of Israel.

The program was quite diverse.  There were all together 12 Workshops on issues like Audit Data Analysis in the Big Data Era, Real Time Audit of Emergency Situations, Workforce in the year 2030, National Emergency Management, Increase in Life Expectancy and Pension Plans — Challenges for SAIs or Information Technologies — Opportunities and Challenges.

Furthermore, three Open-Mic Sessions were offered on thematic blocks on SDGs and different audit fields, Cyber and IT-Security concepts for SAIS as well as Audit of Disaster Management. Four Keynote speakers explained the Israeli situation regarding Start-Ups (Israel as the "Start-up Nation"), Government Incentives to stimulate Innovation, Cyber Emergencies and 21st Century Mega Trends.

A special Plenary Session by Heads of SAIs dealt with Audit of the Management of the Elderly with Dementia, Dealing with Ethics in a Digital World, E-Governance and Digitalization of the Public Sector or Approaches towards Emerging IT-Audits and Internal Information Security Developments.

The last conference day offered professional tours to the international Airport of Israel, Ben Gurion with interesting insights as well as a visit of the Simon Peres Center for Peace and Innovations and of a Wastewater Treatment and Desalination Plant.

المزيد من الأخبار

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