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INTOSAI SCEI-CASt — Call for Proposals

Submitted research projects must focus on the practical work carried out by Supreme Audit Institutions. The idea is to explore and deepen knowledge in priority areas of external control and public auditing.

The call for the selection of researchers in public auditing and information based on the work of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) has been issued. The selection process will be held by the CASt (INTOSAI Centre for Advanced Studies).

The Centre operates on a think tank model under the leadership of the INTOSAI Supervisory Committee on Emerging Issues (SCEI). It is a scientific council that aims to create a conducive environment for applied research on priority topics, as well as the production of technical and scientific knowledge that can support public audits and management activities within INTOSAI's scope.

The Centre seeks to consolidate and share knowledge and best practices among SAIs, as well as to encourage collaborative research and promote networks including partnerships with international organizations and research networks.

The present call aims to select up to six high-impact and relevant research projects, which will receive funding for up to three months. The call is open to PhD researchers external to SAIs who are affiliated with universities anywhere in the world. SAI experts in the topics of the call may apply as supervisors.

Submitted research should focus on globally relevant issues and cross-cutting themes related to the work carried out by SAIs. The idea is to explore and deepen understanding in prioritized areas within the field of external control and public auditing. The current call themes are:

  • Impacts of artificial intelligence for the SAIs (2 projects)
  • Auditing Climate Financing (2 projects)
  • Fighting Hunger and Poverty (2 projects)

All projects will be conducted in English. Among the selection criteria, INTOSAI highlights utility and potential for practical application. This means that projects should not only contribute to theoretical advancement but also have concrete potential for utilization. The rules, criteria, and deadlines for the selection process are available on the SCEI-CASt website. Submission of proposals will be accepted until June 9, 2024. (Deadline extended until June 21, 2024)

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